2023 喜剧片 中国大陆
1111%%% 快递员鲍健生活窘迫,好不容易躲过了房东的围追堵截去上班,还被拖欠工资的领导狠批一顿,鲍健当场愤而辞职,却被领导以双十一不准离职为由打发去继续工作。在送快递的途中,他遇到了不少糟心的事情,经历了倒霉的一天。第二天,鲍健准备找领导辞职结钱,却发现自己拥有了重置时间的能力,他被困在双十一,反复循环着这一天,经历着同样的倒霉事儿。在想尽办法逃离双十一的过程中,鲍健逐渐意识到以前的自己错过了很多极其重要的人和事…… 1111
2023 喜剧片 瑞典
1111%%% 40-year-old Amelia who is hit by a bus on her birthday. When she wakes up, she suddenly finds the year is 2002 and Amelia is 18 again - allowing her to right all the mistakes she made the first time round.But as she finds herself stuck in a &a